Wilderness environments create special situations not usually encountered in an urban or suburban environment. With an ASHI Wilderness First Aid class, first aid providers in a remote outdoor setting will be better prepared to respond with wilderness first aid training when faced with limited resources, longer times to care for someone, and decisions about when and how fast to evacuate an ill or injured person. This comprehensive 16-hour wilderness first aid course meets or exceeds the Boy Scouts of America Wilderness First Aid Curriculum and Doctrine Guidelines, 2017 Edition
Wilderness First Aid Course Includes Information-filled slide presentation covering wilderness and remote first aid from a basic understanding of emergency response in an outdoor setting to specific techniques and considerations for a wide
range of injuries and illnesses.
Wilderness First Aid Classes topics include:
*Preparation and Assessment Preventing and Caring for Injuries
and Illnesses
*Environmental Hazards
*Other Wilderness Considerations
Adult CPR and AED
Up to 2 Years
Course Length:
Approximately 16 Hours
Cost of course:
Student Instructor Ratio:
Student Equipment Ratio:
Varies by Equipment
*To Schedule a group or for more information about our Wilderness First Aid Training, click the email button below.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, traumatic injury is one of the leading causes of death for people under 50 years of age in the United States. A large portion of those deaths are from severe bleeding - the most treatable cause of death due to trauma.
The HSI Stop Life-Threatening Bleeding program is a completely revised and updated training program, integrating the latest and new Stop Life-Threatening Bleeding procedure. This program uses a step-by-step procedure and skill guide to provide guidance for assessing, prioritizing, and stopping life-threatening bleeding based on scientific evidence, national guidelines, and the consensus of experts.
HSI Stop Life-Threatening Bleeding is an
excellent supplement to our CPR and First
Aid programs.
The HSI Stop Life-Threatening Bleeding
program teaches participants how to:
*Assess the safety of the scene.
*Take standard precautions using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
*Evaluate a person to determine whether they have life-threatening bleeding.
*Activate EMS and/or your emergency action plan (EAP)
*Stop Life-threatening bleeding by manual pressure, wound packing, and/or applying a tourniquet.
HSI Stop Life-Threatening Bleeding has been approved by the HSI Medical Advisory Board and reviewed by the HSI Advisory Council. It reflects the latest resuscitation science and treatment recommendations published by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and conforms with the 2020 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC and the annual Guidelines Update.
Certification Period:
2 Years
Course Length:
1 1/2 Hours
Cost of course:
Student/ Instructor Ratio (Recommended/Maximum):
6:1 | 24:1
Student / Equipment Ratio (Recommended/Maximum):
4:1 | 6:1
*To Schedule a group or for more information about our Stop Life-Threatening Bleeding, click the email button below.
Pulse Finders Training Center
2917 Pine Lake Road Suite E Lincoln, Nebraska 68516