Please reach out to us at 402.420.0774 or email us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
AVERT stands for Active Violence Emergency Response Training. AVERT goes beyond active shooter training by including emergency bleeding control basics to ensure all participants know how to respond appropriately and help individuals who may be injured before medical responders arrive on scene.
Once taught only to industry professionals, the content in AVERT has been specifically adapted for the general public by medical and law enforcement experts. Unlike other training programs that focus solely on Run, Hide, Fight techniques, AVERT uses a dynamic method to teach proactive awareness, how to react and protect yourself and others in a violent situation, and how to respond to stop the bleeding of severe injuries that are often a result of these occurrences.
The AVERT course is delivered in a “blended” training format. This means students will first receive online training introducing them to the subject and preparing them for the instructor-led session.
In-person sessions last approximately two hours and include hands-on training, realistic drills and education with encouraging tips and feedback. Class sizes are limited to 15 people or less so that all participants will leave the AVERT program with the confidence to respond with appropriate action if an active violence or life-threatening situation arises.
AVERT certification is valid for two years. We recommend training staff annually or every two years and maintaining a workplace violence program as required by OSHA [section 32.0.2(1)]. Clear policies and procedures should be reviewed and updated annually.
The AVERT certification course is an active program that integrates a lot of hands-on skills and techniques, making it necessary to require a maximum class size of 15 students per Authorized AVERT Instructor.
Give us a call or email us and talk to one of our Authorized AVERT instructors who will provide training options and arrange for one of our instructors to conduct the training for your organization.
Authorized AVER instructors use orange replica weapons to discuss the types of weapons most commonly used in violent situation. They are also used to demonstrate how to disarm an attacker if other alternatives, such as evading and escaping, are not possible.
AVERT goes beyond single training topics and teaches topics from both active shooter and emergency bleeding control training. By combining these two integrated topics in one dynamic hands-on course, AVERT covers everything you need to handle a life-threatening situation.
Yes, AVERT uses training tourniquets to prepare students to respond to potential injuries that may occur in an active violence or emergency bleeding event.
AVERT promotes TAC+PAC Bleeding Control kits, which include a tourniquet. AVERT TAC+PACs are free from allergens and have unlimited shelf life to ensure you and your company are prepared and always ready to respond if needed.
OSHA does not have a specific standard for workplace violence. However, under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (the OSH Act, or the Act), the extend of an employer's obligation to address workplace violence is governed by the General Duty Clause, which is often interpreted to include protection from workplace violence.
AVERT training supports anyone who could be involved in an active violence situation, and it’s appropriate for all industries and types of venues such as: Government, Healthcare, Places of Worship, Schools, Sporting Venues, Manufacturing, Office Settings and Retail Environments.
All employees should participate in the training to ensure they know how to prevent and respond if met with an active violence situation.
Pulse Finders Training Center
2917 Pine Lake Road Suite E Lincoln, Nebraska 68516